Saturday, February 19, 2022
We all know that eating healthily and staying active should help us to remain in shape and supple, but sometimes this just isn’t enough, and our bodies need a little helping hand. This is where many of us look to vitamin and mineral supplements to boost our intake and help our bodies to stay fighting fit.
First and foremost, it’s important to stress that before you take any form of vitamins and supplements, you should always consult your doctor first. Supplements such as glucosamine that are said to help with suppleness contain high levels of sugar and can contain crushed seashells, so aren’t recommended for diabetics, those on drug-thinning medication or anyone with seafood allergies. In the same vein, any supplements that contain Vitamin A (retinol) such as cod liver oil, shouldn’t be taken by pregnant women, as it can be harmful to the baby.
You may find it surprising to discover that too much of a good thing can be bad for you, so consulting your doctor or pharmacist on the specific supplements you’re taking will avoid having too much of one thing. For example, too much calcium, particularly in patients over 50, can result in the calcium being absorbed into arteries rather than the bones, and this can cause heart attacks and strokes.
Many people go through life without needing to take supplements to aid with suppleness, as most of what our joints need to stay in good health can be gained from a well-balanced and healthy diet. Making sure you eat plenty of fresh, fruit and vegetables, cereals and pulses, dairy products, chicken, meat and fish will all help to give your body the nutrients it needs; especially eating at least two portions a week of oily fish (salmon, mackerel and fresh tuna) that are rich in Omega 3.
The decision of whether you need to take supplements will depend on your lifestyle and overall health, but keeping your weight down, doing regular exercise and eating the right kinds of food should mean that you don’t need supplements, but, in most cases, taking them will only work to improve suppleness overall.
Several vitamins and minerals are recommended to ease joint pain, inflammation and improve the overall function and joint suppleness. Below are the main minerals and vitamins associated with joint suppleness and each has its own effect on the body that should give you more supple joints in the long run.
All of the above vitamins and minerals are available in supplement form, and although there is limited research on some of them, there is certainly substantial evidence that fish oils and cod liver oil containing Omega 3s can assist joint suppleness, along with other health benefits too. Additionally, glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen are natural by-products of the body, so naturally play a vital role in repairing and protecting cartilage and the joints.
You don’t have to be approaching your senior years to start being aware of your suppleness, leading an active and healthy lifestyle will always help you to stay active. Whether you’re suffering from joint pains or you want to remain as supple as possible for longer, there’s no reason why you can’t and shouldn’t take supplements.