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Thrush is a yeast infection which commonly causes itching, swelling and irritation of the vagina, often producing a discharge. Thrush can be uncomfortable, however it is a harmless infection that can be quickly treated with the right medication. Thrush treatment is available in a variety of forms, including a tablet that is taken orally and as a pessary, which is inserted into the vagina. Thrush treatment is also available as a cream. This is applied to the external area of the vagina, which reduces itchiness and soreness.
Thrush medication works for the majority of women, and the symptoms of thrush will commonly clear up within a few days. Alternatively, some women may experience 4 or more occasions of thrush in one year, known as recurrent thrush. If you display the symptoms of recurrent thrush, we advise you to contact your local GP or book an online consultation with our registered GMC doctor, as a longer course of thrush medication may be needed.
Most women will experience period pain at a certain time in their life, however some may experience stronger period pains than others. Period pain is caused by the muscles in the womb contracting. This compresses the blood vessels in the womb, cutting off the supply of oxygen. Lacking oxygen, the womb releases a specific chemical that triggers pain.
Here at Oxford Online Pharmacy, we provide period pain relief that can help to ease the discomfort of common painful period symptoms:
More often than not, period pain will begin when bleeding starts. However, many women experience pain up to a week before their period. In general, period pains last between 12 to 24 hours, although in extreme instances they can continue for many days. In these cases, period pain relief can be used as a medication to treat the common symptoms.
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