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Thursday, March 24, 2022
Christmas can be a hard time if you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and lose weight. With work parties, family gatherings, multiple Christmas dinners and endless nibbles, Christmas is a time that many are susceptible to weight gain. During a season filled with cheer, many lose sight of weight goals and soon realise that after just a few weeks of overindulgence clothes may begin to feel tighter than usual. However, it is possible to enjoy the party season and continue to lose weight:
When attending work functions or family parties many make the mistake of overindulging on an assortment of festive finger food before sitting down to a Christmas meal. Avoid overeating at events by ensuring that you do not arrive feeling ravenous. Try to nibble on a nutritious snack 60 to 90 minutes before arriving at an event, such as a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts. This will leave you feeling fuller for longer and help control the temptation to pick.
The popular phrase: ‘your eyes are bigger than your stomach’ may describe many over the festive season. The supermarkets are full to the brim with Christmas goodies and with every shop promoting tins of chocolates and half-price Christmas puddings, it can be easy to impulse buy over the festive season. Maintaining self-control is key to losing weight over Christmas, and cupboards stocked with mouth-watering snack food can cause temptation. Purchase only what you need and try to avoid tins of chocolates and cheese selection boxes.
Whether you’re attending a Christmas buffet in the office or you’ve been invited to a friend's festive dinner party, consider taking a low-calorie and nutritious snack that you know both you and others will enjoy. By taking your treat the more fattening options will become less of a temptation. Try to add an exciting twist to healthy snacks, such as ‘fruit kebabs’.
The sociable holiday season often combines meeting up with old friends and visiting relatives with eating and drinking. However, if you’re drinking alcohol regularly over Christmas, the calories will quickly add up and hinder your weight-loss goals. Festivity should not be seen as an excuse to dismiss your alcohol limits. If you’re going to enjoy Christmas with a few drinks, try to consume plenty of water and avoid calorific mixers, such as fruit juices and fizzy drinks.
The cold weather and dark nights do not mean that you should give up on your exercise routine. Reducing the amount of physical activity that you undertake during the festive season can be a big factor contributing towards winter weight gain. Keep active over Christmas by taking brisk winter walks after meals, this will revitalise you after spending time indoors with the central heating on and provides quality time with your family.
By keeping to these top tips you can enjoy the festive season to its fullest and avoid Christmas weight gain. For further information about how to lose weight over Christmas, medication and treatment please click here.