Thursday, March 3, 2022
As a family business going back three generations (the first Frosts Pharmacy was founded by my grandfather in 1925) we have experienced first hand the speed at which services migrating online have grown. We have also seen the relief from patients with restricted mobility or in remote areas, or indeed those who prefer not to carry out their health related transactions face-to-face, as they have found access to services which could help them from the comfort of their own homes. We have also, sadly seen news story after news story about unscrupulous operators and illegal medications making their way into patients' hands.
As the NHS begins to buckle under the weight of ever increasing patient demand, we can see that the online offer has a vital role to play in redressing the balance. This is something which has been acknowledged by the government and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has the unenviable task of assessing each online pharmacy business one by one and shutting down those that are considered to be cutting corners and putting patients at risk.
At Oxford Online Pharmacy we are committed to translating the values and heritage of our bricks and mortar pharmacies online. We believe in delivering the highest level of customer service and in ensuring the health and safety of each and every patient who visits our site.
We have been through the CQC assessment, which is extremely rigorous and rightly so.
A report by the BBC highlights the risk to patients of internet prescription services which cut corners. We welcome the CQC’s scrutiny and we will work tirelessly to meet the stringent criteria being put in place to ensure patient safety.
Our ultimate goal is to combine the convenience and discretion of an online pharmacy and doctor service with the core values that I, and my team, share with my grandfather: access to a trustworthy team of experts who genuinely care.