Thursday, July 14, 2022
The answer is a frustrating “Maybe” - it depends on a number of factors.
Saxenda is approved for use by the NHS in England, but only via specialist services (more on those later on).
At the time of writing, Saxenda is not approved for use by the NHS in Scotland and there are no NHS specialist weight loss services running in Northern Ireland.
In England, Saxenda can only be prescribed by a specialist from an NHS Weight Management Service. You can be referred to this service via your GP, or hospital specialist if you are under one or your community pharmacist.
To be considered for treatment with Saxenda your BMI must be either over 35 with additional health issues or over 40. This does not guarantee that you will receive treatment with Saxenda, only that it could be considered.
To find out whether these services run in your local area see the NHS Better Health webpage on Local Authority Weight Management Services.
While the service does offer some prescription treatments, they also provide amazing support with goal setting, coaching and referrals to other local services that support people with achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
No prescription treatment is going to be effective just on its own, not for the long term. It is so important that you also make lifestyle changes for yourself and maybe your family or the people you live with.
See our top 5 apps to support healthy weight loss for more ideas on how to support yourself on your weight loss journey.
Head to our main Saxenda page for more information about treatment with Saxenda.
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