Friday, March 18, 2022
Can STDs improve your attitude towards sexual health?
A study released by the Public Health England (PHE) has revealed that young adults who receive the offer of a chlamydia test are more likely to seek out sexual health care, which results in a positive change in their attitude towards STDs and contraceptives.
More than 60% of those tested openly admitted that they were more likely to use condoms with a new partner and 66% also reported that they were more likely to take tests for chlamydia again.
Although sexually transmitted infections (STDs) are at a high in young adults, the survey showed that 90% of the responders received sexual health advice in addition to their last test. Individuals with a high number of sexual partners test more frequently for chlamydia.
PHE has now released a Condom-Card Scheme, which is a condom distribution scheme.
The objective of this is to ensure that there are easier levels of access to sexual health advice and condoms for youngsters.
These schemes have been successful throughout local areas, especially in reducing the rate of unprotected sex, STDs and unplanned pregnancies.
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